Friday, 14 March 2014

Outward Bound 2014

Soon after we arrived at the Outward Bound centre we were jogging out to the seafront for a quick dip. This was the first indication of what the weekend held: challenge. The cold was starting to creep into our warm layers. It most definitely was not the weather to wear shorts. However, the Junior Mentors rose to the occasion.  They jogged to the water front and charged in to the freezing depths, plunging under the water until fully drenched. The water was numbing. We sampled some edible Seaweed before trudging back to the center.
The level of challenge only increased throughout the weekend. After returning from our trip to the seafront, the Junior Mentors prepared for a hike followed by a night in a cabin. Wrapped up warm, we made our way to a cabin settled in deep and dark woodland.
On arrival at the cabin, the JM's quickly laid out their sleeping bags and stepped back out into the dark to create shelters from fallen branches. With quality leadership from team captains and a strong team working together with them, both teams created sturdy shelters of which Bear Grylls would be jealous. Then it was back to the cabin for hot chocolate, a game of cards and a good night’s rest. 
The Junior Mentors traversed 6km of freezing water in two-manned canoes on Saturday morning and then had a  game of football on the beach. A relaxed atmosphere of trust and companionship encircled the group throughout the day and it was brilliant to see them pushing each other to achieve their best.
Sunday morning was time for vertical challenges: rock climbing and the leap of faith. Despite being exhausted from the previous day, every single Junior Mentor pushed themselves to attempt all the obstacles several times and can be proud of their achievements. They fully supported each other as a team and pushed one another to commit themselves, despite hints of acrophobia. The final morning really emphasised the value of instilling young people with leadership and team working skills as well as illustrating why Outward Bound is a fantastic way to do this. Without a doubt, I can say this weekend showed our young people what they were capable of and highlighted the necessity of character in a young persons’ development.

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