Last Friday ReachOut! volunteer Polly Rusby and I were
invited to Manchester City Council’s Grand Hall to celebrate
InternationalWomen’s Day and to represent ReachOut! who had been shortlisted the
Women’s Champion in honour of Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw.
As we enjoyed our meal of curry followed by sticky toffee
pudding and coffee the event was opened with entertainment from
Dr Katie Steckles. Katie is part of the team at
Think Maths who visit schools and engage
pupils in Maths through the medium of magic!
Susan Woodward, OBE, then gave an enthusiastic opening
speech thanking all the guests for their hard work and commitment to the city
of Manchester and more so to the women of Manchester. As the awards unveiled,
Manchester is a city full of dedicated individuals and organisations who are
all striving and succeeding to support their community. Susan’s speech did take
a more sober tone however, as she relayed stats that highlighted ever present
gender gap faced by women;
Only 22.5% of MPs are women
Only 17% of the cabinet are women
Only 5% of editors for national newspapers are women
There are no women represented on the Bank of England
Monetary Commission.
Then came the moment we were all waiting for – The Awards!
ReachOut! was nominated by Charlotte Smailes (2
year Manchester volunteer) for our
Junior Mentor Programme. Shortlisted for the
Women’s Champion in honour of Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw, we were up against two
other nominees, Angela Lawrence and her work with women and gang violence and
Annie Emery and her work with bisexual women.

Polly and I waited excitedly as they talked about the work
we have done and showed a short video clip from each nominee. Then the moment
of truth – and the winner is…..
Angela Lawrence. A well-deserved winner.
Although disappointed not to win, it was fantastic to be
shortlisted. We would like to say thank you to Manchester City Council for
recognising the hard work and commitment of our volunteers, without whom, the
ReachOut! Junior Mentor Programme would not exist.
Heidi Hinchliffe