On Monday 27th June in The Players’ Lounge of Arsenal Emirates Stadium, ReachOut! London hosted its first ever Volunteer Thank You Event in celebration of the hard work of its volunteers!
Pete Blackwell, London Director, opened the evening with words of thanks, a summary of ReachOut!’s achievements this year, projects offered and the staggering numbers of children benefiting (over 500!), crucially with the help of its hundreds of dedicated volunteers.
The speeches continued with yet more thanks from the ReachOut! Chief Executive, Xavier Bosch and testimonies from volunteers Steph Pickerill and Ian Ash. Sharing their stories, explaining their involvement in a specific project and looking ahead to an exciting future, enabled volunteers from different projects to learn about the range of work ReachOut! does and the impact each volunteer can have.
An award-ceremony followed which marked the efforts of each volunteer according to the hours they had given, a small tribute to invaluable contributions. The evening closed with a tour of the impressive venue, Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium which included an intrusion into the shower room, a taste of luxury in the Directors’ box and a moment of fame in the press room (see photos at the bottom!).
Our inspirational individual fundraisers! (above)Brilliant Bronze Award winners - over 30 hours of volunteering each! (below)

Simply super Silver Award winners - over 60 hours of volunteering each! (above)
Glorious Gold Award winners - over 100 hours of volunteering each! Amazing! (below)
In what has been a challenging year for the charity sector, ReachOut! has had to rely on the strength of its volunteer teams more than ever. The evening was a chance for staff, funders, volunteers and friends of ReachOut! to celebrate that strength and reflect upon the work that has been achievable as a result.
(above) Jack Bond - the next Arsenal manager? Can't be worse than the last one...(below) Glamour girls in the Arsenal changing rooms.